Your Phone, Your Brain

Phone apps to compensate for memory loss

The alarm app

I cannot trust my brain to remember anything, so I resort to devices to help me. My planner and my phone are easily two-thirds of my brain. Today I am sharing how I use my phone for my memory. These apps are available on both Android and Apple phones. The first any most obvious use is the alarm function in the clock app. Besides when to get up, I have alarms for when children need medications. I use alarms for meetings and appointments. I set one for when I need to start getting ready and a second one for when I need to leave. Sometimes I get distracted and need that second alarm. It is important to label the alarms because I can forget what one is for and still miss an appointment. Alarms play a big role in me functioning properly.

Google Keep Notes

The second app that is indispensable is Google Keep. One basic feature is being able to access it from any device connected to the internet. If the phone dies, I don’t lose anything stored in Keep. It has notes and archives. I use notes (the screen seen first) for running shopping lists. Sam’s Club and Home Depot have their own lists. I keep a grocery list and Sam’s pinned, which means they stay at the top of my notes. Being the lists I access most often, it saves time. Below them I keep a list of errands needing to be done, a list of healthy foods I should eat often. Lists of things for meeting with specific people, prayer list, and a list of what has been ordered, basically lists that don’t contain personal information.


I use the Archive to hold lists of each person’s medications, a list of random facts I can’t remember. I have dates of deaths to remember, bank account numbers, our exit number, a couple of passwords, button battery sizes for various toys and devices, gift ideas, and a list of what is in the stash of gifts. There’s an excellent search function in notes and notes are shareable. (Grocery list to hubby.) Colors, labels and backgrounds can help organize notes. Shopping lists are the same color. Med lists have their on color. You get the idea.

There is also a couple of features I am just learning about. One is reminders. It can put notes on top at certain times. You can even make notes to be triggered by where you are. So when I go to Alanna’s, a note will be triggered to remind me to get my dishes from her. There is also a good speech to text feature, that can save time. Record it before I forget it is definitely useful.

Alarms and Google Keep do much that my brain is unable to do, and make my phone invaluable. If your memory is unreliable, you also will find your phone to be a tremendous help. If you would like to know more about using Google Keep, there are YouTube videos to help. Also check Google Calendar, and Planner. I prefer a paper planner, specifically The Homemakers Friend. (This page uses an affiliate link. I am paid a small compensation, that does not affect your price.)

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